mgm consulting partners austria

Management Consulting

for digitalization and transformation

We operate nationwide from our location in Salzburg, primarily in Austria and Germany.

We support our clients in their digitalization projects from the development of the IT strategy to implementation and successful completion. With our external perspective, we help our customers to see the same things differently and pay attention to the smooth interaction of business, organization and IT.

We love what we do and are passionate about our topics. We cultivate an open corporate culture in which mutual trust and handshake quality are important to us. We also live these values in our collaboration and pay attention to excellent team performance that generates results with added value.
mgm consulting partners is a management consultancy for digitalization and transformation.

We work with your business, the organisation and IT and enable you to master the necessary change quickly, safely and successfully.
mgm consulting partners
Innovation Implemented.

Do you have any questions about our services?
Our team in Salzburg looks forward to hearing from you!

DI Thomas Brugger, MBA

I have been able to shape and grow a considerable part of my more than 25 years of professional experience with mgm consulting partners. Read more ...

In addition to exciting topics, the collegial cooperation even under stressful conditions and the family atmosphere were decisive factors. From the very beginning, trust, responsibility, reliability and openness have been the values on which I have built my collaboration with clients and colleagues. This blueprint has proven its worth and brings me the fulfillment I expect from my work.

My consulting focus is on designing and supporting large transformation projects in program/change and communication management. Part of this experience can be found in the book "Business Transformation mit S/4HANA" published by SpringerGabler Verlag, which I wrote with my mgm colleagues.

+43 676 / 30 014 30

Karin E. Gruber, MA, MBA

Both privately and professionally, the people I deal with are the focus of my attention. Openness, honesty and authenticity form the basis for me - both for good cooperation and any other interpersonal relationship. Read more ...

What should also never be missing is a certain amount of humor and enjoyment of the work. Because without these, a project would not be successful for me.

My consulting focus is on project/change and communication management for agile software projects. As I love challenges and enjoy learning new things, I am particularly pleased when I can try out and apply new findings in my projects. My almost 20 years of professional experience have also shown me how important it is to think outside the box.

+43 676 / 77 999 83

Yvonne Danzinger, MA

Innovation, development and digitalization by and for people - for me, this is the guiding principle in projects and collaboration. Trust, respect and integrity form the basis for me. Read more ...

VUCA & Co may put some people off, but I am excited by the opportunities that arise, which literally call out to be actively shaped. I particularly enjoy the agile development of solution concepts and future strategies as part of a team.

My consulting focus is on innovation management and people-oriented, agile transformation, strategy and change projects. For more than 10 years, I have taken great pleasure in complex challenges and interacting with a wide variety of people and cultures.

+43 676 / 38 433 26
Our partners in austria:
Just like teamwork within mgm, trusting and open cooperation in networks and with our partners is very important to us.


From 11 to 13 February 2025, the energy industry will meet at E-world energy & water in Essen. mgm consulting partners will also be there and together with our partner Enerlabs, a provider of an innovative software suite for municipal heat planning, we look forward to discussing the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition with you.
Antje von Garrel, AI expert and manager at mgm consulting partners, and Jan Jikeli, Head of AI at mgm group, discuss what is really needed for AI to deliver strategic and operational success. Organisations must no longer view AI as a mere technology or tool, but as an integral part of their strategy, processes, infrastructure and culture.
The introduction of the information register under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) poses significant challenges for many companies. The new requirements of the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) force financial institutions to maintain a complete and regularly updated directory of all ICT-related contractual agreements. The associated efforts in terms of time, personnel and data management are enormous – but there is a solution.
Adapting processes and structures is essential to remain competitive and to meet changing market requirements. By implementing SAP S/4HANA, companies can make these necessary adjustments effectively and sustainably, thus improving decision-making and optimising the use of resources. The ADDVALUE framework provides clear orientation in the transformation process.


Together, we work to free up space, generate success and foster a far- sighted approach. Our management team consists of consultants with many years of experience in industry and in positions of leadership. Our consultants bring industry expertise and work with you on an equal footing.

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Motivated, cooperative, talented. We live for our projects.