mgm consulting partners

Expert Teams

We are organized in specialist and industry-specific networks.

This promotes continuous cross-team exchange with colleagues from other consulting fields and projects.

In addition to working on client projects, working in Expert Teams enables us to build up specialist know-how, acquire knowledge as juniors at the beginning, pass on experience as seniors and build a strong internal network. In addition, presentations and publications are prepared with colleagues from the same disciplines.

Here you can get an overview of our Expert Teams.
All colleagues usually join an Expert Team - depending on their respective professional and/or industry-specific characteristics.

You can also get involved in other Expert Teams or take part in events as a listener. This allows you to deepen your knowledge and exchange ideas with like-minded people.

Behind The Scenes

Would you like to find out more about our Expert Teams?

Take a look behind the scenes of the CIO Advisory Expert Team and find out more from Tobias Richwien about his daily project work and the support he receives within his network. Louisa Bader provides insights into Digital Product Management.

Employee Development

The development of your practical experience (aligned with specific clients/projects):
  • Use / implementation of knowledge in the project
  • Further development of your practical know-how
  • Consolidation of knowledge and experience
Expert Teams
Self-determined professional development in our internal networks (market-oriented):
  • Technical and methodical know-how
  • mgm portfolio and product development
  • Development on the basis of a mgm competence matrix
Disciplinary Leader
Personal development
(employee orientation):
  • Development path
  • Career
  • Salary
  • General conditions

Training and development

New colleagues can register for training courses from our extensive training catalog during their probationary period. We additionally offer individual training measures and participation in conferences. Everyone should grow with us - and we are happy to support!

Examples from our training catalog:

Last but not least: Mentoring

Mentoring at mgm means: exchange, passing on experiences, broadening one’s own horizons, raising awareness of one’s own abilities.

The program is based on voluntariness and trust, and it serves exclusively to build a confidential relationship between mentor and mentee.

You have the opportunity to find a senior colleague with the aim of sharing experiences in regular exchange meetings. Your mentor does not have to work in the same field, as mentoring is not about discussing specific topics. The main goal is to promote your individual and personal development.

Apply Now!

You want to become part of our team?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding your application.
089 / 358 680 - 918